Photo of Majumdar, Dibyen

Dibyen Majumdar

Professor of Mathematics, Statistics, and Computer Science

UIC College of Liberal Arts and Sciences


Building & Room:

519 Science and Engineering Offices


851 S. Morgan Street

Office Phone:

(312) 996-4833


Dibyen Majumdar is a statistician. His main research interests are the theory and methodology of design of experiments; linear and nonlinear models; mixed models; and supersaturated designs. Another area of research interests is applications of statistics in biomedical research, including design and analysis of clinical trials.

Dibyen Majumdar is currently the Associate Director of the Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation (

Selected Publications

Bu, X., Majumdar, D. and Yang, J., D-optimal Designs for Multinomial Logistic Models, Annals of Statistics, 48, 2020, 983-1000.

Jones, B., Lekivetz, R., Majumdar, D., Nachtsheim, C. J. and Stallings, J. W., Construction, Properties, and Analysis of Group-Orthogonal Supersaturated Designs, Technometrics, 62, 2020, 403-414.

Yang, J., Mandal, A. and Majumdar, D., Optimal Designs for 2k Factorial Experiments with Binary Response, Statistica Sinica, 26, 2015, 385-411. doi:10.5705/ss.2013.265

Jones, B. and Majumdar, D., Optimal Supersaturated Designs. Journal of the American Statistical Association, 109, 2014, 1592-1600.

Revzin, E., Majumdar, D., and Bassett, G. W., Conditional quantile regression models for melanoma tumor growth curves for assessing treatment effects in small sample studies, Statistics in Medicine, 33, 2014, 5209-5220.

Kao, M., Majumdar, D., Mandal, A. and Stufken, J., Maximin and maximin-efficient event-related fMRI designs under a nonlinear model, Annals of Applied Statistics, 7, 2013, 1940-1959.

Li, G. and Majumdar, D. Locally D-optimal designs for nonlinear models with minimal support, Biometrika, 96, 2009, 487 – 493.

Majumdar, D. and Stufken, J. Optimal designs for mixed models in experiments based on ordered units, Annals of Statistics, 36, 2008, 1090-1107.

Kadkol, S., Lin, A., Barak, V., Kalickman, I., Leach, L. Majumdar, D. Setty, S. Maniotis, A., Folberg, R., and Pe’er, J. Tumor Cell Plasticity in Uveal Melanoma: Microenvironment Directed Dampening of the Invasive and Metastatic Genotype and Phenotype Accompanies the Generation of Vasculogenic Mimicry Patterns American Journal of Pathology, 169, 2006, 1376-1389.

Yamada, T., Goto, M. Punj, V., Zaborina, O. Chen, M., Kimbara, K., Majumdar D., Cunningham, E., Das Gupta, T. K., Chakrabarty, A. M. Bacterial redox protein azurune, tumor suppressor protein p53, and regression of cancer, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 99, 2002, 14098 – 14103.

Vonesh, E. F., Wang, H., Nie, L. and Majumdar, D. Conditional second order generalized estimating equations for generalized linear and nonlinear mixed effects models, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 97, 2002, 271-283.

Majumdar, D. On the admissibility and optimality of treatment-control designs, Annals of Statistics, 14, 1996, 2097-2107.

Chai, F. S. and Majumdar, D. On the Yeh-Bradley conjecture on linear trend-free block designs, Annals of Statistics, 21, 1993, 2087-2097.

Hedayat, A. and Majumdar, D. Combining experiments under Gauss-Markov models, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 80, 1985, 698-703.

Majumdar, D. and Notz, W. I. Optimal incomplete block designs for comparing treatments with a control, Annals of Statistics, 11, 1983, 258-266.